Cases of bully do not just happen in real life, but also in cyberspace. This shows that bullying issue is becoming more and more serious. According to Richard (2010), there are a few types of bully, which are pressure bullying, verbal bullying, cyberbullying, physical bullying and hazing. In this era full of technologies, cyberbullying is now becoming a famous issue that is often being discussed. The victims of cyber bullying cases may suffer both emotionally and physically, and this form of bully are nowadays very common in school.
Photo of Phoebe Prince who committed suicide after being bullied.
(Image source: The Boston Globe, 2010)
In Massachusetts, a girl, Phoebe Prince, was believed to commit suicide after being bullied by a group of her classmates online and also in real life(Owens, 2010). According to Owens (2010), Massachusetts has just drawn an anti-bullying legistlation after the death of Phobe, which aims to prevent bullying and cyberbullying cases especially in school, where the school officials are required to undergo training so they can tell and report it to the pricipals if they found out a bullying case is happening. There was a similar case about three years ago, where a girl hung herself to death after receiving harrassment from a cyber friend she knew from a famous social networking sites (, 2007).
In my opinion, internet security is still relatively weak nowadays, and enforcement of laws can only prevent cyberbullying cases from happening but it is very hard to stop it entirely, because they came in many forms. The form of cyberbullying are usually by sending abusive and offensive languages or pictures to a person through short messages on handphone, emails, chat rooms and probably defame someone by posting some scandal on websites (Cainfield, 2010). However, it may be effective in reducing the risk of people being bullied. Young people should learn how to protect their privacy and identity online so to not have their social networking accounts be a prey to the criminals. Stricter laws should be impose to minimize the number of such cases and to teach the young people a lesson or two about cyberbullying. Parents and teachers should always monitor the online activities of a child whether the child likes it or not. Most of such cases happen because the criminals do not have enough parental attention and care, thus leading to a rebellion like this.
As a conclusion, internet security in cyberspace should be further enforced and improved in order to protect the internet users' rights and also prevent cyberbullying from spreading around. People from all aspects should work together in order to stop cyberbullying. Since the victims are mostly young teenagers, parents and educators should teach them ways to protect themselves and so as to prevent them from being bullied in real life and in cyberspace.

(Image source: The Boston Globe, 2010)
In Massachusetts, a girl, Phoebe Prince, was believed to commit suicide after being bullied by a group of her classmates online and also in real life(Owens, 2010). According to Owens (2010), Massachusetts has just drawn an anti-bullying legistlation after the death of Phobe, which aims to prevent bullying and cyberbullying cases especially in school, where the school officials are required to undergo training so they can tell and report it to the pricipals if they found out a bullying case is happening. There was a similar case about three years ago, where a girl hung herself to death after receiving harrassment from a cyber friend she knew from a famous social networking sites (, 2007).
In my opinion, internet security is still relatively weak nowadays, and enforcement of laws can only prevent cyberbullying cases from happening but it is very hard to stop it entirely, because they came in many forms. The form of cyberbullying are usually by sending abusive and offensive languages or pictures to a person through short messages on handphone, emails, chat rooms and probably defame someone by posting some scandal on websites (Cainfield, 2010). However, it may be effective in reducing the risk of people being bullied. Young people should learn how to protect their privacy and identity online so to not have their social networking accounts be a prey to the criminals. Stricter laws should be impose to minimize the number of such cases and to teach the young people a lesson or two about cyberbullying. Parents and teachers should always monitor the online activities of a child whether the child likes it or not. Most of such cases happen because the criminals do not have enough parental attention and care, thus leading to a rebellion like this.
As a conclusion, internet security in cyberspace should be further enforced and improved in order to protect the internet users' rights and also prevent cyberbullying from spreading around. People from all aspects should work together in order to stop cyberbullying. Since the victims are mostly young teenagers, parents and educators should teach them ways to protect themselves and so as to prevent them from being bullied in real life and in cyberspace.
- Cainfield, A 2010, Cyber bullies Out of the Playground Into Your Home,, viewed 14th June 2010,
- 2010, Mom: MySpace Hoax Led to Daughter's Suicide,, viewed 14th June 2010,,2933,312018,00.html
- Owens, L 2010, Phoebe Prince-Tragic case of (Cyber)bullying,, viewed 14th June 2010,
- Richard, C. A. 2010, Types of Bullying,, viewed 14th June 2010,
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